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Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century

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Cover of 'Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century'

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 The Plant and Agricultural Biotechnology Revolution: Where Do We Go from Here?
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    Chapter 2 Plant Biotechnology: Achievements and Opportunities at the Threshold of the 21 st Century
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    Chapter 3 Pharmaceutical Foodstuffs: Oral Immunization with Transgenic Plants
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    Chapter 4 Genetic Control of Regeneration was Altered During One-Week Ripening of Immature Melon Cotyledons on Liquid/Membrane System
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    Chapter 5 Differential Hormonal Requirements for Clonal Propagation of Male and Female Jojoba Plants
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    Chapter 6 Somatic Embryogenesis in Korean Ginseng ( Panax Ginseng C.A. Meyer)
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    Chapter 7 Levels and in situ localization of endogenous cytokinins as chief factors controlling bud regeneration
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    Chapter 8 Somatic Embryo Polarity in Dactylis Glomerata as Determined by Electron Microscopy
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    Chapter 9 Dual Effect of Ethylene During Rooting of Apple Microcuttings
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    Chapter 10 Time-Lapse Tracking of Origin and Development of Somatic Embryos in a Gymnosperm, Norway Spruce
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    Chapter 11 Conifer Somatic Embryo Production from Liquid Culture
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    Chapter 12 Basal Nutrient and Hormonal Requirements for Direct Organogenesis of Cedrus Libani A. Rich
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    Chapter 13 An Overview of Progress on Somatic Embryogenesis in Forest Trees
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    Chapter 14 Gene Expression During Somatic Embryogenesis in Carrot Suspension Cultures
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    Chapter 15 Photocontrol of Shoot Regeneration from Hypocotyls of Tomato
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    Chapter 16 Facilitated Initiation of Somatic Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis Thaliana by Mutations in Genes Repressing Meristematic Cell Divisions
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    Chapter 17 Agarose-induced embryoid formation in sunflower protoplasts is triggered by RGD-mediated membrane-matrix adhesion
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    Chapter 18 Gene Expression Differences Between Zygotic and Somatic Embryos Monitored by Differential Display and cDNA Array: A Potential Tool to Improve Loblolly Pine Somatic Embryo Quality
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    Chapter 19 A Tobacco Knotted-1 Related Homeobox Gene for Investigating In Vitro Shoot Formation
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    Chapter 20 In Vitro Clonal Propagation of Aleppo Pine ( Pinus Halepensis Mill .)
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    Chapter 21 Norway Spruce Somatic Embryogenesis: Endogenous Levels of Phytohormones during Somatic Embryo Development
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    Chapter 22 Modifications of Leaf Morphogenesis Induced by Inhibition of Auxin Polar Transport
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    Chapter 23 Quantitative Analysis of Douglas-fir Somatic Embryogenesis
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    Chapter 24 Genetic and Molecular Analysis of Male Fertility and Cytoplasmic DNA Variation in Interspecific Solanum SPP. Somatic Hybrids
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    Chapter 25 Transgenic Tropical Maize with cryLAb and cryLAc Genes from Microprojectile Bombardment of Immature Embryos
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    Chapter 26 Bypassing Juvenile Stage in Genetic Transformation of Citrus Plants
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    Chapter 27 Green Haploid Plant Production in Durum Wheat by Various Haplo-Methods
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    Chapter 28 Evaluation of Gibberellin 20-Oxidase and ROLC Genes for Dwarfing Ornamental Plants
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    Chapter 29 Agrobacterium -Mediated Transformation of Phaseolus Beans
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    Chapter 30 Contributions of Protoplast Fusion to Improvement of Brassica Crops
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    Chapter 31 Expression of a Chimeric Grapevine Stilbene Synthase Gene in Stable Wheat Transformants
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    Chapter 32 Prospects for the Isolation of Genes Controlling Tree-Specific Traits by Using a Transposon Tagging Approach
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    Chapter 33 Sweet Potato ( Ipomoea batatas L.) Biotechnology: Progress and Perspectives
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    Chapter 34 Cytoplasmic diversity caused by mitochondrial (mt) DNA dynamics and mt gene expression in Petunia
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    Chapter 35 Somatic Hybrids of Solanum Tuberosum and Related Species
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    Chapter 36 A New and Versatile Agrobacterium-Based Plant Transformation Vector
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    Chapter 37 Inheritance of Transgenes in Cereal Plants
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    Chapter 38 Studies on Wheat Prolyl Isomerase in Transgenic Plants
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    Chapter 39 GA-induced gene expression in petunia flowers
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    Chapter 40 Engineering the Plastid Genome: Problems and Potential
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    Chapter 41 Electrofusion of Field Pea and Lathryus Protoplasts for Hybrid Development
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    Chapter 42 An efficient protocol for somatic embryogenesis and its use in developing transgenic tea ( Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) for field transfer
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    Chapter 43 Regeneration of adventitious shoots in process of genetic transformation
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    Chapter 44 Generation of Transgenic Carnation Plants with Novel Characteristics by Combining Microprojectile Bombardment with Agrobacterium Tumefaciens Transformation
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    Chapter 45 Sexual Transfer of Transgene ( Bar ) into Non-Transformed Wheat Genotypes and Cell-Level Selection of the Marker Gene in Microspore- and Anther Culture
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    Chapter 46 Proteases for the Improvement of Plant Transformation
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    Chapter 47 Plant Regeneration from Uninuclear Microspore Suspension Cultures of Aesculus hippocastanum L.
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    Chapter 48 Somatic Cell Hybridization for Transfer of Disease Resistance in Brassica
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    Chapter 49 Expression of Arabidopsis Thaliana Endo-1,4-ß-Glucanase ( cel 1) in Transgenic Poplar Plants
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    Chapter 50 Cellulose Binding Domain Increases Cellulose Synthase Activity in Acetobacter Xylinum , and Biomass of Transgenic Plants
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    Chapter 51 Gene Expression in Plant-Endomycorrhizal Fungal Communication
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    Chapter 52 Directed Fertilization to Breed Plants for Toxic Ions Resistance during Pollination
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    Chapter 53 Identification of Genes Expressed in Roots and Nodules of Lotus Japonicus
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    Chapter 54 Agrobacterium -Mediated Stable Transformation of Barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.)
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    Chapter 55 Characterization of a pollen specific gene and its functional analysis in transgenic plants
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    Chapter 56 Detection of Economically Important Variability in Micropropagation
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    Chapter 57 Isolation of Tissue Culture-Induced Polymorphisms in Bananas by Representational Difference Analysis
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    Chapter 58 Genetic Stability Analysis of Cryopreserved Prunus Ferlenain Rootstock by RAPD and AFLP
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    Chapter 59 Banana Germ-Plasm Improvement at Rahan Meristem
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    Chapter 60 Cytochimera Dissociation Through Shoot-Tip Culture of Mixoploid Bananas
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    Chapter 61 Molecular and Field Analysis of Somaclonal Variation in Transgenic Plants
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    Chapter 62 Comparative analysis of genomic DNA methylation status and field performance of plants derived from embryogenic calli and shoot meristematic cultures
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    Chapter 63 Induction of Polyphenol Oxidase in Sempervivum L.
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    Chapter 64 T-DNA and “gain of function” tobacco mutants with altered threonine metabolism
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    Chapter 65 Acylated Anthocyanins from Carrot Cell Cultures: Biosynthesis and Specificity of the Acylation Reactions
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    Chapter 66 Biosynthesis of ß-Thujaplicin with the Cupressus Lusitanica Suspension Cell Culture
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    Chapter 67 Biochemical and molecular bases of the carbon flux regulation between threonine and methionine in plants
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    Chapter 68 Expression of Soybean Vegetative Storage Proteins (VSPα) in Tobacco Leaves
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    Chapter 69 Overexpression of L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and cinnamate 4-hydroxylase in tobacco cell suspension cultures
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    Chapter 70 Manipulating Essential Amino Acid Metabolism in Plants
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    Chapter 71 A 28-kDa Pod Storage Protein of Phaseolus vulgaris : Characterization, Induced Accumulation, and Degradation
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    Chapter 72 Regulation of Lysine Catabolism in Plants
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    Chapter 73 Regulation of Higher Plant Leaf and Reserve Tissue Starch Synthesis
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    Chapter 74 Plant Metabolism of Organic Xenobiotics. Status and Prospects of the ‘Green Liver’ Concept
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    Chapter 75 Application of Bioreactor for the Production of Saponin by Adventitious Roots Cultures in Panax Ginseng
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    Chapter 76 Stimulation of Bioactive Flavonoid Production in Suspension and Bioreactor-based Cell Cultures
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    Chapter 77 Expression of Antisense mRNA for Acid Invertases in Transgenic Carrot Alters Plant Development and Sucrose Partitioning
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    Chapter 78 Isochorismate synthase cDNA isolation from cell cultures of Catharanthus roseus (L.)G.Don.
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    Chapter 79 The Biosynthetic Relationship Between Littorine and Hyoscyamine in Datura Stramonium
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    Chapter 80 Characterization of a Novel Family of Calmodulin-Binding Plasma Membrane Channel-Like Proteins
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    Chapter 81 Identification of Novel Cell Cycle Genes in Arabidopsis Thaliana
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    Chapter 82 Cell-to-Cell Movement of Tobacco Mosaic Virus
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    Chapter 83 The role of PASTICCINO1, an FKBP-like protein, in plant development
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    Chapter 84 The Formation of The Plant Vacuolar System
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    Chapter 85 Signals and Their Transduction in Early Plant Embryogenesis
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    Chapter 86 Attainment of Bilateral Symmetry in Monocots: Influence of Auxin Polar Transport
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    Chapter 87 Expression of Cell Division Cycle Related Genes in Beta vulgaris L. Storage Organs and Cells in Suspension Cultures
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    Chapter 88 The plant endoplasmic reticulum and quality control of secretory proteins
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    Chapter 89 Studies on Symbiotic Properties of Purine Auxotrophs of Strain Rmd 201 of Rhizobium Meliloti
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    Chapter 90 Degradation of Posttranslationally Unstable Proteins in Transgenic Plants Utilizes Multiple Pathways to the Vacuole
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    Chapter 91 The uptake and distribution of 14 C-NAA in cotyledons of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) in vitro
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    Chapter 92 Nuclear Import of the Capsid Protein of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) in Plant Cells
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    Chapter 93 Novel Wheat Molecular Chaperones Belonging to the PPIase-FKBP Family: Studies on Their Regulation and Tissue Specificity
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    Chapter 94 Regulation of Programmed Cell Death in Cultured Soybean Cells by a Cysteine Protease Inhibitor
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    Chapter 95 Polyadenylation and Degradation of mRNA in the Chloroplast
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    Chapter 96 Factors Affecting Cell Divison in Plant Cells
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    Chapter 97 Cellular Integration of Auxin- and Light Signals During Wheat Somatic Embryogenesis
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    Chapter 98 A Multi-Parameter Approach for the Study of In Vitro Photosynthesis
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    Chapter 99 Plant D-type (CycD) cyclins and the regulation of the plant cell cycle
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    Chapter 100 Genetic and Biochemical analysis of arabidopsis SPY
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    Chapter 101 Genetic Engineering of Disease Resistance in Apple Fruit Cultivars and Rootstocks
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    Chapter 102 Barley Trypsin Inhibitor CME Confers Insect Resistance to Wheat
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    Chapter 103 Salt Tolerance and Oxidative Stress as Studied by the Regulation of Phospholipid Hydroperoxide Glutathione Peroxidase in Salt-Sensitive and Salt-Tolerant Citrus Cells
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    Chapter 104 Callus from the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum is a versatile tool to study ABA-mediated gene expression
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    Chapter 105 Expression of fungal chitinolytic enzymes in transgenic apples confers high levels of resistance to scab.
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    Chapter 106 Isolation and Expression of an Nadph-Dependent Reductase Gene able to Detoxify the Eutypa Lata Toxin in Grapevine
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    Chapter 107 Induced Defense Mechanisms in Plant-Fungus Interactions: Differences Between Cells in Culture and Leaf Tissue
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    Chapter 108 Selection of Herbicide Resistant Cell Lines and Subsequent Identification of Herbicide Targets
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    Chapter 109 Herbicide Tolerance in Crops: A Commercial Reality
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    Chapter 110 Identification of regulatory and metabolic genes associated with leaf senescence
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    Chapter 111 Resistance to Glyphosate in a Population of Lolium Rigidum
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    Chapter 112 Molecular identification of herbicide targets applying transgenic approaches in tissue culture
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    Chapter 113 Transformation of Crops to Herbicide-Resistance and Their Use Against Parasitic Weeds
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    Chapter 114 Different Responses Between Anthocyanin-Producing and Non-Producing Cell Cultures of Glehnia Littoralis to Stress
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    Chapter 115 Galaxy Lines Transgenic for Attacin E AND T4 lysozyme Genes Have Increased Resistance to Fire Blight
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    Chapter 116 The Heat Induced Inactivation of the Herbicide Resistance Gene Pat Isolated from Streptomyces Viridochromogenes Depends on its DNA Sequence
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    Chapter 117 Physiological Markers for Salinity Tolerance in Plants
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    Chapter 118 Expression of Rotavirus Proteins in Transgenic Plants
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    Chapter 119 Manipulating Oxidative Stress Responses Using Transgenic Plants: Successes and Dangers
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    Chapter 120 Transformation of Tobacco and Aspen Plants with the ita Locus of an IncQ Plasmid Confers Resistance to Agrobacterium tumefaciens Infection
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    Chapter 121 Growth Characteristic Changes during Salinity Adaptation of the Wild Tomato Species L. pennellii
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    Chapter 122 Biochemical characterization of the Pto protein kinase conferring speck disease resistance in tomato
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    Chapter 123 In Vitro Elimination of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus in a Plum Cultivar
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    Chapter 124 Resistance to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Transgenic Tomato Varieties
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    Chapter 125 Arabidopsis thaliana in Culture: A Powerful Tool to Decipher the Mode of Action/Target Sites of Herbicides with Antimetabolite Activity
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    Chapter 126 Production of Potato Genotypes with Resistance to Potato Virus Y (PVY) by Biotechnological Methods
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    Chapter 127 Plant Tolerance to Water and Salt Stress: The Expression Pattern of a Water Stress Responsive Protein (BspA) in Transgenic Aspen Plants
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    Chapter 128 “Expression of Recombinant Antibodies in Plants and Cell Suspension Cultures”
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    Chapter 129 Biotechnological Approaches to Making Vaccine in Plants
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    Chapter 130 Genetic Engineering of Seed Oil Fatty Acid Composition
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    Chapter 131 Engineering Carbohydrate Metabolism in Transgenic Plants
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    Chapter 132 Genetic Manipulation for the Production of High Lysine Corn
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    Chapter 133 Ethylene, Polyamines and Fruit Ripening
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    Chapter 134 How Genes Paint Flowers
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    Chapter 135 Biosynthesis of Scent and Flavor Compounds
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    Chapter 136 Improving the Oxidative Stability of Corn and Soybean Oils by Genetic Modification
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    Chapter 137 Thaumatin expression in transgenic cucumber plants
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    Chapter 138 Molecular breeding of flower color of Torenia hybrida
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    Chapter 139 Nutritional Quality Improvement of Sorghum Through Genetic Transformation
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    Chapter 140 Super-Rubisco for Improvement of Photosynthetic Performances of Plants
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    Chapter 141 Quality Issues in a Tissue Culture Laboratory
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    Chapter 142 Temporary Immersion for Plant Tissue Culture
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    Chapter 143 Robotic Micropropagation for Commercial Forestry
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    Chapter 144 Design Considerations for a Mechanized Micropropagation Laboratory
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    Chapter 145 Quality from a Young Plant Perspective
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    Chapter 146 Development of New Plant Tissue Culture Media
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    Chapter 147 Environmental Control in Micropropagation: Effects of CO 2 Enrichment and Supporting Material on Growth and Photosynthesis of Eucalyptus Shoots/Plantlets Cultured Photoautotrophically in Vitro
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    Chapter 148 Environmental Control in PhotoAutotrophic Micropropagation
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    Chapter 149 Photoautotrophic Micropropagation of Tropical Plants
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    Chapter 150 Mechanization of Micropropagation
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    Chapter 151 Surprising Micropropagation Tools
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    Chapter 152 Organogenic Plant Regeneration in Bioreactors
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    Chapter 153 Plant Tissue Culture Industry in the Middle East, an Overview
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    Chapter 154 Integration Through in Vitro Culture
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    Chapter 155 Commercial Needs and Creating New Markets in Eastern European Countries
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    Chapter 156 Early Research and Commercial Use of in vitro Plant Propagation in Israel
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    Chapter 157 The Application of Plant Biotechnology in Developing Countries on the African Continent
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    Chapter 158 Commercial Micropropagation in the United States, 1965–1998
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    Chapter 159 Securing Cost Effective Product Quality, an Essential for Sustainable Business
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    Chapter 160 Scope of the Tissue Culture Industry in India
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    Chapter 161 Commercialisation of Tissue Culture for Forest Tree Species in India
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    Chapter 162 Involvement of Biotechnology in Commercial Plant Tissue Culture
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    Chapter 163 The possibilities of commercialization of Indian orchids: application of tissue culture techniques
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    Chapter 164 Transgenic Rice: Development, Products, Acceptance and Economic Impact
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    Chapter 165 Intellectual Property Protection for Plant Technologies
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    Chapter 166 Plant Breeders’ Rights and Plant Biotechnology
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    Chapter 167 Genetically modified crops in the European Union the regulatory framework and public acceptance
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    Chapter 168 Demystifying the Genetic Engineering of Plants: Talking Biotechnology in the Community
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    Chapter 169 Legislation and Public Perception of Biotechnology in Poland
Attention for Chapter 67: Biochemical and molecular bases of the carbon flux regulation between threonine and methionine in plants
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Chapter title
Biochemical and molecular bases of the carbon flux regulation between threonine and methionine in plants
Chapter number 67
Book title
Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century
Published by
Springer, Dordrecht, January 1999
DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-4661-6_67
Book ISBNs
978-9-40-105966-4, 978-9-40-114661-6

B. Gakière, G. Curien, S. Ravanel, V. Verne, M. Droux, J. Yaxley, R. Douce, D. Job, Gakière, B., Curien, G., Ravanel, S., Verne, V., Droux, M., Yaxley, J., Douce, R., Job, D.


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