Identify the best authors, reviewers and editorial board members

Identify the best authors, reviewers and editorial board members

Find the right talent to increase your journal’s reach and impact

The publishing industry is both competitive and saturated, so having key intelligence helps publishers to get ahead of their competition. This means it’s imperative for you to be able to find new, top-quality talent – whether they need authors, reviewers or editorial board members. 

Even longstanding journals with a natural course of growth must keep obtaining the highest-quality research to remain competitive. This puts you under increasing pressure to prove the reach and influence of your published work to stakeholders. And your teams are under pressure to measure societal and commercial impact. 

Finding the right talent for your journal can have a positive impact on your reach and influence, but tracking down this talent can be a battle. Traditionally, it’s hard to find the reliable data you need to make good hiring decisions and shape a successful strategy. 

Now Altmetric solutions and data can help you achieve your goals

The Altmetric Explorer contains over 259 million mentions of over 24 million research outputs. It’s an information goldmine – and extracting the insights you need is quick and easy.

  • Find reputable editorial board members who can advise on journal policy, identify specialist topics and promote the publication.
  • Find expert reviewers who can help with evaluating article submissions and measuring the completeness, quality and accuracy of submitted research. 
  • Find great new authors whose work will boost your journal’s credibility and profile.

How it works

Find exactly what you’re looking for

  • Browse the entire database using Altmetric Explorer’s powerful search and filtering options. Search by keyword, then filter by specific journals, publishers, subject areas or author affiliations to find what you need – fast.
  • Use the Mention Sources tab to see which potential board members and reviewers are already engaging with your journal or others like it, who might therefore make useful additions to your publication.
  • You can also use the Mentions Sources tab to see which researchers are receiving the most attention for their work, giving you a deeper insight into the scale of online presence – like the number of X (Twitter) followers.
  • Other tabs lead you to the information you need on potential editorial board members or reviewers. 

Using the Timeline tab on your previous search you will be able to see when the mentions were received, you can narrow down to a specific time frame (years, months, weeks, days) to see who the mentions were coming from.

If you are interested in where in the world those X (Twitter) mentions are coming from you can go to our dedicated Demographics page, you can then filter by specific country for potential reviewers. Editors or even authors.

Discover how a particular paper is doing

  • Use the Research Outputs tab to find out how well particular papers from a journal are doing. Filter by a specific source such as X (Twitter), Blogs or YouTube to see which papers have mentions by these sources and who is commenting on them. 
  • However, if you want to look at a larger scale of X (Twitter) users the best place to start is the Mentions Sources Tab. Filter it by X (Twitter) users to see those who have commented most on the articles in your journal filter, and the last three mentions they made. 
  • Find out more about an X (Twitter) User by clicking on their profile name – and to see all their mentions, simply click on the “View All Mentions” button.

See who’s influencing the conversations

  • Use the Mentions Sources Tab not only to view the Total Mention Count, but also to sort by X (Twitter) Follower count to see who’s influencing the conversations around your published work.

How you benefit

  • Work with distinguished, credible influencers with a respected reputation and a large following online 
  • Increase publication reach and impact by having the right talent
  • Show the world that your journal is at the forefront of its discipline
  • Demonstrate the success of your work to stakeholders
  • Stay ahead of the competition

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