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Protoplasts 1983

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Cover of 'Protoplasts 1983'

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Protoplast Isolation from Morphogenetic Cultures of Rice Oryza Sativa L
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    Chapter 2 Preliminary Studies on Isolation and Culture of Protoplasts from Sandalwood (Santalum Album)
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    Chapter 3 Isolation and Identification of Enzymes that are Responsible for the Isolation of Plant Protoplasts
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    Chapter 4 Isolation and Culture of Leaf Protoplasts from Ulmus sp.: Preliminary Report
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    Chapter 5 Isolation of High Yields of Viable Protoplasts from Quaking Aspen Seedlings and Cultured Loblolly Pine Cell Suspensions
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    Chapter 6 Approaches to Cereal Protoplast Culture: Morphogeny Cultures in Wheat (Triticum)
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    Chapter 7 Towards a Protoplast Culture System for Wheat ( Triticum aestivum )
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    Chapter 8 Approaches to Cereal Protoplast Culture: Analysis of Ustilago Maydis Induced Cell Divisions in Zea Mays
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    Chapter 9 Mix-Culture of Nicotiana and Capsicum Mesophyll Protoplasts
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    Chapter 10 Study of Hypocotyl and Mesophyll Protoplasts
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    Chapter 11 Isolation and Culture of Cotyledon Protoplasts of Cotton ( Gossypium Barbadense cv. Giza 70)
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    Chapter 12 Studies on Isolation of Protoplast from Some Oil-Yielding Plants: Niger ( Guizotia Abyssinica Cass) and Safflower ( Carthamus Tinctorius L.)
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    Chapter 13 Developmental Potential of Mega and Normal Protoplasts in Populus
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    Chapter 14 A Study of Protoplast Regeneration of Ornamental Species within the Compositae
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    Chapter 15 Callus Formation from Cotyledon Protoplasts of Browallia , Hyoscyamus and Physalis Species
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    Chapter 16 Culture of Apical Protoplasts from Shoot Cultures in the Orders Fabales, Rosales and Caryophyllales
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    Chapter 17 Production, Culture and Callus Formation from Leaf Protoplasts of Hedysarum Coronarium L.
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    Chapter 18 Sustained Division of Sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris) Protoplasts : Stimulating Effect of Conditioned Media
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    Chapter 19 Plant Regeneration from Suspension Culture and Mesophyl Protoplaste of Alfalfa
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    Chapter 20 Protoplast Isolation, Culture and Plant Formation of Psycomitrella
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    Chapter 21 Optimisation of Turnip (Brassica Rapa) Protoplast Culture for Cauliflower Mosaic Virus Transformation
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    Chapter 22 Lycopersicon Esculentum: Globular Embryos from Microspores and Calli from Diploid Protoplasts
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    Chapter 23 Isolated Tetrad Protoplasts Develop to the Binucleate Stage in Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum CV Havana)
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    Chapter 24 Protoplast Regeneration of Some Legume Species
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    Chapter 25 Isolation and Culture of Coffee Leaf Protoplasts
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    Chapter 26 Viability And Development Of Potato Protoplast Culture
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    Chapter 27 Somatic Embryos and Plants from Cultured Protoplasts of Pennisetum Purpureum Schum. (Napier Grass)
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    Chapter 28 Plant Regeneration from Mesophyll Protoplasts of White Clover ( Trifolium repens L.)
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    Chapter 29 The isolation, purification and culture of Brassica Napus Cv. Lingot cotyledon protoplasts
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    Chapter 30 Improved Culture Ability of the Genus Brassica by Using Hypocotyls as the Source for Protoplasts
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    Chapter 31 Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Eggplant ( Solanum Melongena L.)
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    Chapter 32 Plants Regenerated from Isolated Protoplasts of Solanum Brevidens
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    Chapter 33 Factors Influencing the Frequency of Heterokaryon Formation in Forage Legume Protoplasts
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    Chapter 34 Intergeneric Fusion of Therrestrial Orchid Protoplasts Induced by Different Fusion Promoting Agents
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    Chapter 35 Complementation of Nitrate Reductase Deficient Mutants in Somatic Hybrids between Nicotiana Species
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    Chapter 36 Towards Somatic Hybridization in the Genus Linum (Flax)
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    Chapter 37 Assessment of Somatic Hybridisation between Lycopersicon Esculentum and L. Peruvianum
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    Chapter 38 Factors Affecting Somatic Hybridization between Sexually Incompatible Species of Petunia
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    Chapter 39 Ultrastructure and Isozyme Analysis of Cultured Soybean — Nicotiana Fusion Products
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    Chapter 40 The Transfer of LpDH Activity as Marker in Somatic Hybrid Plant between Tobacco Tumour B6S3 and Normal Tobacco Xanthi
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    Chapter 41 Production and Characterization of Albino Mutants for Use in Protoplast Culture
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    Chapter 42 Increasing the Variability of Lycopersicon Mill. by Protoplast Fusion with Petunia L.
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    Chapter 43 Carrot Ⓧ Tobacco Somatic Cell Hybrids Selected by Amino Acid Analog Resistance Complementation
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    Chapter 44 Molybdenum-Cofactor Gene Transfer into Nitrate Reductase Deficient Plant Cells through Intergeneric Protoplast Fusion
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    Chapter 45 Developmentally Regulated Fusion of Carrot Protoplasts
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    Chapter 46 Genetic Behavior of Somatic Hybrids in the Genus Nicotiana : N. Otophora + N. Tabacum and N. Sylvestris + N. Tabacum
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    Chapter 47 Nitrate-Reductase Deficients in the Progeny After Selfing Complemented Somatic Hybrids of Nicotiana Plumbaginifolia Mutants
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    Chapter 48 Fusion of Protoplasts Isolated from Chlorella Saccharophila (Krüger) Nadson 211-1a
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    Chapter 49 Production of Somatic Hybrids Using Auxotrophic Nurse Cultures
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    Chapter 50 Confirmation of Chloroplast Segregation in Somatic Hybrids of Datura by DNA-DNA Hybridization
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    Chapter 51 Species Specific DNA Used to Identify Interspecific Somatic Hybrids
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    Chapter 52 Hyoscyamus-Nicotiana Fusion Hybrids Selected via Auxotroph Complementation and Verified by Species-Specific DNA Hybridisation
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    Chapter 53 Fusion Complementation Tests on a Group of Independently-Isolated Auxotrophic and Temperature-Sensitive Clones of Hyoscyamus Muticus and Nicotiana Tabacum
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    Chapter 54 A Simplified Method for Bulk Production of Cytoplasts from Suspension-Culture Derived Protoplasts of Solanum Nigrum (L)
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    Chapter 55 Identification of Plastomes and Chondriomes of Somatic Hybrid Plants Resulting from Protoplast Fusion by Molecular Probing of Fractionated DNA
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    Chapter 56 Isolation, Purification and Sorting by Flow Cytometry of Metaphase Chromosomes of Haplopappus Gracilis
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    Chapter 57 First Steps to Chromosome Transplantation with Haplopappus Gracilis Using Flow Cytometry
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    Chapter 58 Selection for Cytoplasmic Streptomycin Resistance after Protoplast Fusion as a Tool for Transfer of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility /CMS/ in Nicotiana
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    Chapter 59 Rescue of the Cytoplasmic Lincomycin Resistance Factor from Nicotiana Sylvestris into Nicotiana Plumbaginifolia by Protoplast Fusion
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    Chapter 60 Chimeric Genes as Dominant Selectable Markers in Plant Cells
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    Chapter 61 Colony Formation during Joint Cultivation of Tobacco Protoplasts and Bacterial Plasmids
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    Chapter 62 Protoplast and Chloroplast of Chlorella , the ARS Gene of Chlorella Chloroplast Replicates in Yeast
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    Chapter 63 Expression of Foreign Genes in Plant Cells Following Fusion of Agrobacterium Spheroplasts with Isolated Mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum
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    Chapter 64 Proliferation of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus in Protoplast-Derived Clones of Turnip (Brassica Rapa)
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    Chapter 65 A Reproducible Method for the Introduction of Nucleic Acids in Tobacco Protoplasts
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    Chapter 66 Protoplast Culture Induces Genetic Variability in Nicotiana Sylvestris
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    Chapter 67 Variability of Different Cell Clones Issued from one Catharanthus Roseus Tissue Strain by Protoplast Isolation
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    Chapter 68 Protoclonal Variation in a Dutch Commercial Cultivar of Potato ( Solanum Tuberosum L. cv. Bintje)
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    Chapter 69 Variation in Plants Regenerated from Protoplasts and Complex Explants of Potato
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    Chapter 70 Somaclonal Variation in Protoplast Derived Plants of Su/su Heterozygotes of Nicotiana Tabacum
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    Chapter 71 Isolation of Tobacco Clones Resistant to Naphtalene Acetic Acid and Affected in Root Morphogenesis
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    Chapter 72 Isolation of Amino Acid — Requiring Lines by Negative Selection in Haploid Protoplasts of N. Plumbaginifolia
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    Chapter 73 Attempt to Isolate Auxotrophic Mutants, using Protoplasts of Nicotiana Sylvestris
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    Chapter 74 Selection and Characterization of Nitrate Reductase Deficient Mutants of Petunia
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    Chapter 75 Comparison of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) Synthesis in Protoplasts from Soybean Cells in Suspension Culture and Protoplasts from Tobacco Leaves
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    Chapter 76 Use of Potato Protoplasts in Regeneration and Virus Resistance Studies
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    Chapter 77 Lectin — Like Material Responsible for Specific Attachment of Pseudomonas Syringae PV. Glycinea to Resistant Soybean Leaf Cells
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    Chapter 78 Protoplast Yields are Low and Tissue Browning is High in Potato Leaves Resistant to the Late Blight Fungus Phytophthora Infestans
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    Chapter 79 The Advantages of Isolated Protoplasts for Plant Growth Regulator Studies
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    Chapter 80 Evidence for Extraosmotic Absorption of Water by Radish Tubers
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    Chapter 81 Microfluorometric Determination of Early Regeneration of Moss Protoplasts of Ceraton purpureus (Hedw.)
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    Chapter 82 Oleic Acid as a Bioche — Mical Marker to Study Growth Photoregulation of Internode Protoplasts
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    Chapter 83 Detection of Different Forms of O-Acetyl-L-Serine Sulfhydrylase in Mesophyll Protoplasts and Bundle Sheath Cells from Wheat and Maize Leaves
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    Chapter 84 Isolation of Anthocyanin-Containing Vacuoles From Protoplast of a Cell Suspension Culture of Daucus Carota
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    Chapter 85 Formation of Various Fractions of Structural Polysaccharides in the Course of Cell Wall Regeneration by Tobacco and Bean Protoplasts
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    Chapter 86 The Role of Photosynthesis in the Process of Cell Wall Regeneration by Isolated Protoplasts
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    Chapter 87 Ultrastructural Dynamics of Cell Wall Regeneration Around Isolated Bean Leaves Protoplasts
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    Chapter 88 Non-Specific Inhibition of Cell Division in Regenerating Tobacco Protoplasts by Inhibitors of Ethylene Biosynthesis
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    Chapter 89 Isolation of Vacuoles via Protoplasts from Sugarcane Stalk Tissue
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    Chapter 90 Evolution of the Protoplast Budding Rate Versus the Plant Physiological State
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    Chapter 91 Use of Maize Root Protoplasts for Herbicide Absorption Studies
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    Chapter 92 Distribution of Vacuolar pH Values in a Population of Acer Pseudoplatanus Protoplasts
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    Chapter 93 Modulation of Fatty Acid Patterns During Protoplast Isolation
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    Chapter 94 Protoplast Viability — A Relative Concept
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    Chapter 95 Reorganization of Microtubules in Protoplasts of Vicia Hajastana , Grossh. During the First 48 Hours of Culturing
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    Chapter 96 Brief Cellulase Treatment Permits Anti-Tubulin Staining of an Entire Filamentous Organism (Moss)
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    Chapter 97 Coated Vesicles From Plant Protoplasts
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    Chapter 98 Mesophyll Protoplasts and Plant Regeneration of Brassica Napus : Cytology and Morphology of Callus Growth
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    Chapter 99 Selection of Monohaploid Potato Genotypes to Produce Stable Shootcultures as a Source of Haploid Protoplasts for Work on Recessive Mutations
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    Chapter 100 Ultrastructure of Intermediate Filament Bundles Associated with the Cytoskeleton of Protoplasts and Cells from Maize ( Zea mays L.) Suspensions
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    Chapter 101 Immobilisation of Nicotiana Cells and Protoplasts in Alginate Beads
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    Chapter 102 Flow Cytometry and Sorting on pH and Alkaloids in Catharanthus Protoplasts
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    Chapter 103 Obtention of Protoplasts of Sylibum Marianum and its Use in the Coagulation of Milk
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    Chapter 104 Production of Monoclonal Antibodies Directed Against Developmentally-Regulated Protoplast Antigens
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    Chapter 105 Heritable Differences in in vitro Regenerability in Petunia,at the Protoplast and at the Seedling Stage
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    Chapter 106 Gene Expression in Freshly Isolated Protoplasts from Nicotiana Sylvestris
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    Chapter 107 Hormonal Control OF Protein Synthesis in Tobacco Protoplasts
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    Chapter 108 A Screening for Shoot Regeneration in Root Cultures of Solanaceae Species
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    Chapter 109 Somatic Hybridization and Cryopreservation Studies on Rice x Pea and Wheat x PEA
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    Chapter 110 Tissue Culture Studies on Safflower ( Carthamus Tinctorius L.)
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    Chapter 111 Preliminary Investigations on in vitro Fertilization in Cowpea V. Unguiculata (L.) Walp
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    Chapter 112 Detection of Tobacco Mosaic Virus in Tissues and Protoplasts by dot Molecular Hybridization
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    Chapter 113 Improved culture ability of Shoot Culture Derived Protoplasts of Solanum Tuberosum L. by Use of activated charcoal
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    Chapter 114 Immobilization of Daucus Carota Protoplasts
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    Chapter 115 Characterisation and Separation of Petunia Hybrida and Lycopersicon Esculentum Protoplasts Based on Nutural Fluorescence or FITC Added to Labell Antibodies in Immunoreaction with the Protoplast Membrane
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    Chapter 116 Size Fractionation of plant Protoplasts by Centrifugal Elutriation
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    Chapter 117 Culture in Agarose Improves Protoplast Plating and Proliferation, and Permits Division in Otherwise Unresponsive Systems
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    Chapter 118 Attempts to Develop a Plant Analogue to the Oocyte System
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    Chapter 119 Microcarrier-Anchored Plant Protoplasts
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    Chapter 120 Steps Towards the Introduction of Bremia Resistance in Lactuca Sativa Using Tissue Culture Methods
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    Chapter 121 Intra- and Intersubfamilial Somatic Hybridisation within the Solanaceae
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    Chapter 122 Somatic Hybrization of Medicago Sativa and Medicago Falcata
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    Chapter 123 Selection of Somatic Hybrids by Fusion of Protoplasts from Brassica Oleracea and B. Campestris
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    Chapter 124 Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Different Potato Genotypes
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    Chapter 125 Protoplast Isolation, Plant Regeneration and Somatic Hybridization in Different Citrus Species and Microcitrus
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    Chapter 126 Intergeneric Cytoplasm Hybridization in Cruciferae by Protoplast Fusion
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    Chapter 127 Electro — Fusion of Yeast Protoplasts
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    Chapter 128 The Preparation of Protoplasts from an Oleaginous Yeast
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    Chapter 129 Efficient Protoplast Isolation from Coprinus Macrorhizus and Other Basidiomycetes
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    Chapter 130 Mating Pheromone Enhances Hybrid Formation: Protoplast Fusion in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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    Chapter 131 Fusion of Protoplasts from Conidiospores of Aspergillus Nidulans
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    Chapter 132 Protoplasts from Mutants of Aspergillus Niger Using the Dialysis Membrane Technique
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    Chapter 133 Preparation and Regeneration of Escherichia Coli Protoplasts
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    Chapter 134 An Improved Method for the Production of Protoplasts of Podospora anserina
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    Chapter 135 Spontaneous Recombination of Mitochondrial Genomes in Interspecific Somatic Hybrids of Aspergillus
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    Chapter 136 Hybridization of Penicillium Chrysogenum and Penicillium Baarnense by Protoplast Fusion; Genetic and Biochemical Analysis
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    Chapter 137 Protoplast Fusion and Genetic Analysis in Cephalosporium Acremonium
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    Chapter 138 Genetic Effects of Protoplast Fusion in Penicillium Chrysogenum
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    Chapter 139 Intervariant and Interspecific Recombinants of Bacillus Thuringiensis Obtained by Protoplast Fusion
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    Chapter 140 Protoplast Fusion to Overcome Vegetative Incompatibility in Verticillium Lecanii Parasexual Genetics
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    Chapter 141 Detection and Location of Vegetative Incompatibility Genes Operating between Species of Aspergillus
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    Chapter 142 Protoplast Fusion within Aspergillus Nidulans Group by Nutritional Selection
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    Chapter 143 Mutagenesis of Micromonospora Rosaria Using Protoplasts and Mycelial Fragments
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    Chapter 144 Complementation in Fusions between E. Coli and Bacillus Subtilis
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    Chapter 145 A Search for Biparentals in Bacillus Megaterium
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    Chapter 146 In Vitro, In Vivo Candida, Albicans Spheroplast (Protoplast) Studies
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    Chapter 147 Respiration of Protoplasts Isolated from Aspergillus Nidulans
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    Chapter 148 Visualization of Gold Marker at the Surface of Protoplasts and Cell Wall Remnants in Yeast Saccharomyces by Extraction Replica Method
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    Chapter 149 Fusion of cdc Mutants: Possible Effect of Cell Cycle on the Fusion of Yeast Protoplasts
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    Chapter 150 Penicillin Production by Aspergillus Hybrids Obtained by Protoplast Fusion
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    Chapter 151 The use of the Protoplast Fusion Method in Selection of Streptomyces griseus, the Producer of Streptothricine Antibiotic Grisin
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    Chapter 152 Preparation of Fungal Protoplasts for Steroid Transformation
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    Chapter 153 Protoplast Fusion in Strain Improvement of Micromonospora Inyoensis , a Sisomicin-Producer
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    Chapter 154 Genetic Reassortment after Protoplast Fusion in the Fungus Gibberella Fujikuroi
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    Chapter 155 Cloning and Expression of Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens α -Amylase in Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
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    Chapter 156 Towards Transformation of the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with an E. coli Gene for D-Xylose Isomerase
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    Chapter 157 Some Genetic Applications of Streptomyces Protoplasts
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    Chapter 158 Protoplast Fusion and Protoplast Transformation in Micromonospora Species
Attention for Chapter 92: Distribution of Vacuolar pH Values in a Population of Acer Pseudoplatanus Protoplasts
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Chapter title
Distribution of Vacuolar pH Values in a Population of Acer Pseudoplatanus Protoplasts
Chapter number 92
Book title
Protoplasts 1983
Published by
Birkhäuser, Basel, January 1983
DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-6556-2_92
Book ISBNs
978-3-03-486557-9, 978-3-03-486556-2

P. Manigault, J. Manigault, A. Kurkdjian


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